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What is Thickening of the Bowel?

By: Jody Ehrhardt - Updated: 18 Apr 2018 | comments*Discuss
Bowel Thickening Thickening Of The Colon

Q.Can you explain what thickening of the bowel is?

(Mrs Sharon Mitchell, 3 October 2008)


Bowel thickening, also called thickening of the colon wall, is a medical term used to describe the swelling, widening, or hardening of the tissue and cells that make up the bowel wall. This condition results from inflammation of the tissues which leads to the narrowing of the bowel.

The tissue of the bowel wall is usually very flexible and thin, which allows it to contract and move in order to place pressure on waste in an attempt to dispel the waste from the body. If the tissue becomes thick or hardens the colon wall is unable to move or contract as freely thus causing a slow down in the waste removal system.

There are many different illnesses, conditions, diseases, and disorders that may lead to bowel wall thickening. Some of these conditions include Crohn's Disease, colon cancer, colitis, and systemic sclerosis. These conditions can lead to colon wall thickening because of the inflammation they produce in the tissue of the bowel.

When any tissue is exposed to infection or irritation inflammation occurs. Inflammation is the term used to describe the swelling of affected tissue. This swelling can lead to permanent damage such as scarring it if is left untreated for long periods of time. In diseases such as Crohn's the entire digestive tract can become inflamed resulting in bouts of diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and bloody stools. If the inflammation that affects the bowels is left untreated the tissue there eventually hardens and becomes thickened with scars once the damage becomes too severe.

While this bowel wall thickening can cause some symptoms, such as pain during bowel movements, bloody stools, constipation, and abdominal pain, most individuals are diagnosed with bowel wall thickening when undergoing an abdominal scan or barium x-ray for the diagnosis of Crohn's disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

If the condition of bowel thickening is caught early enough in its development the damage can sometimes be reversed through the treatment of the main disease and the reduction of inflammation. However, if the colon thickening is advanced and interferes with normal bowel function and the dispelling of waste from the body surgery may be necessary to remove portions of the affected bowel.

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I had a virtual colonoscopy and was told I had a thickened left colon. I have acute bouts of lower left abdominal pain which is becoming more frequent. I pass stools about once or twice a week with rabbit dropping type stools daily. The pain is debilitating. I have to have some pictures taken next month of my colon. What treatment is there? I also have a cyst on my liver?
Gloria - 18-Apr-18 @ 11:26 PM
BABY GIRL TN - 15-Apr-18 @ 8:27 PM
I use Walgreen's Senna for my severe constipation. I've tried many products, including Senokot, but I found that Walgreen's brand is the only one that works for me. Almost 10 years ago, a physician's assistant told me to begin taking the senna and to increase the dose until I found the right dose for me. I did so, and alter the dose as needed. I was taking 5 every night, until cervical spine surgery 1 year ago and my pain medication was increased. I now take between 5 & 8 tabs every night. When there's a day that I don't have a stool, I increase the dose that evening. If that doesn't work, I increase again each night until it does work, then I work my way back down to 5 tabs. FYI: A gastroenterologist told me that it's OK to use Senna, but that it does make the colon brown and is possible to make it difficult to see a problem in the colon, but nothing else works for me, so I pray I'll be OK. I just had a CT and unfortunately it shows that I have thickening of the Colon wall. The radiologist noted that it may be due to Colitis. I pray that it isn't due to the Senna. Am seeing my primary this week to find out. I hope this helps someone in need.
Misdy - 20-Nov-17 @ 6:12 AM
my question is I got a ct scan on my stomach n was told I have a ventral hernia n they didn't explain what tht is n how big or where located,,and I also have colonic thickening and they still havnt took care of these issues n also said I have a moderate amount of stool present. iam in a lot of pain n real gasy..what should I do at this point.I am concerned with all this n the pain
misty - 11-Nov-17 @ 5:00 PM
PETSCAN has shown thickening of cecum and colon upto hepatic flexure upto 2.3 cm. There is no problem like bowel clearance , stomach pain or blood in stool. Would you please evaluate this syndrome and advise suitable medicine. This can hardly be a case of lymphoma. Would you still advise biopsy ?
Paro - 6-Nov-17 @ 12:52 PM
I had a CT scan of my abdomen. It showed mostly proximal, diverse mural bowel wall thickening. It also show non-specific submucosal fatty hypertrophy of the colon. Can you tell me what this means. I did have a colonoscopy and that was normal....I just do not understand
Tommy - 28-Sep-17 @ 3:16 AM
I had a CT scan of my abdomen. It showed mostly proximal, diverse mural bowel wall thickening. It also show non-specific submucosal fatty hypertrophy of the colon. I have been diagnosed for many years with IBSD. But my most recent flare of symptoms which this time has included bright red blood led to the CT scan. My Primary doctor sent me to my surgeon for a colonoscopy and EGD. I am more confused now that I was before. The doctor that did the scopes said I have gastritis, duodenitis and diverticulosis. My colon looked completely normal! Note: I also had a lupoferrin stool test done which was negative. With this imofrmation, how can I have colonic wall thickening on CT and the other issues mentioned (in the colon) and the colon looks normal on direct examination?
Rinky - 22-Sep-17 @ 3:12 PM
Hi everyone. .I was told I had colon thicking. ..after having pain in my stomach I starting using a product called lepicol. It has helped me so much..every day I go toilet passing what needs to be passed...sometimes twice a day. .guys try it..Lepicol it is a great product. .and also I use aloe vera colon cleanse. .you will find both products in the health shop holland barrette or most health shop.. give it a go..good luck guus
Browny - 30-Jul-17 @ 6:20 PM
@kimberly check with your docs but have you tried using magnesium supplements? this can aid in BM. You want to find the right dose for you, I have Crohns and use this to help as I tend to get constipated. When you have a lose stool then you know you can find your dosing that way, usually 500 MG per day but maybe start lower, and increase until you find your dose.
es - 10-Jul-17 @ 12:17 PM
@Nan - it could be lots of different things. We all tend to think the worst especially if we do an online search and it comes up with the words cancer. Try not to worry - the chances are it is not. Good luck. Ness
Van - 6-Jul-17 @ 12:05 PM
I had a CAT scan for abdomen and pelvic because I have pains, cramping, and diareheea on my lower left side where the colon is. My gastro dr. told me I have thickening of the colon area. Now he will do a colonoscophy next week. I afraid it could be cancer.
Nan - 4-Jul-17 @ 8:41 PM
Had hemicholotomey no bag 3 years ago haven't been well sense in pain every single day on ever known medicine and still don't go to the bathroom like I should after about 4 days of being so full I start chocking on foods I have had a sore throat for over a year have sharp pains every week after I use the bathroom once a week the cycle starts again 4 days no bm pain and some kind of swelling and ripping in right side was exercising 4 months ago seemed to hp then got sick after someone came and took all my new clothes that I used to walk 14 miles a week and was feeling a lot better not sure what to do really am fed up of being sick every day sick sick sick that's all is anyone else having any of this I take probotic linzess and bentyl omg please if anyone can help me go to the bathroom please write I nearly choked to death today in the car from being so full
Kimberly - 21-Jun-17 @ 2:49 AM
I.Was. Diagnosed with colon wall thickening on a ft scan what do I do?
Will - 17-Apr-17 @ 4:11 PM
I have thickened descending colon when i diagnosed by ultra sound .i have symptom of burning of my stomach the whole area .so what shall i do?
etalem - 9-Mar-17 @ 3:22 PM
hi Sir I have got my Stomach Ultrasound done Today in which the report is " Mild Oedema of wall of colon in noted" so I would like you to please tell me that what actually it is and also please suggest me the proper treatment of it. Regards Rajeev
Babboo - 3-Feb-17 @ 11:04 AM
I have thickening of the sigmoid colon and have chronic constipation does anyone know what treatment is for thickening of the walls where you cannot go to the toilet.
chriss - 3-Oct-16 @ 10:19 AM
Rightside pain ct shows moderste inflammatory changes involving ascending colon with asymmetric wall thicking and pericolonic stranding additional mild wall thicking involving the rectosigmold colon what does this mean
Bella - 29-Sep-16 @ 6:05 PM
Maximune01 - Your Question:
I was just diagnosed with asymmetrical degree of thickening in my colon.not sure what that means. Does it mean I will end up with colostomy bag? I did have emergency colon resection in 2008. Didn't require a colostomy bag. They are scheduling an appointment with my surgeon to see what's what. Anything I should be prepared tonhear?

Our Response:
I'm afraid we cannot give a potential diagnosis as it is beyond our remit as a basic advisory service. Until you see your surgeon, neither would your GP be able to do this as all depends upon what your consultant recommends.
TummyTrouble - 14-Sep-16 @ 2:11 PM
I was just diagnosed with asymmetrical degree of thickening in my colon.not sure what that means. Does it mean I will end up with colostomy bag? I did have emergency colon resection in 2008. Didn't require a colostomy bag. They are scheduling an appointment with my surgeon to see what's what. Anything I should be prepared tonhear?
Maximune01 - 13-Sep-16 @ 10:52 PM
Long segment mild circumferential wall thickening involving the terminal ileum lleo caecal junction,caecum and ascending colon till the hepatic flexure-like inflamatory pathology.... This is my ct scan report,I am suffering from stomach problems like frequent going to toilet, many kind of another problems ,immunity is very poor.
Arun txn - 1-Sep-16 @ 10:58 AM
I had pain in my side ,went to Dr order CT scan .now I have to have a colomesty ,I had one3 yrs ago.
Tuder - 29-Jul-16 @ 9:05 PM
I recently had a CT scan that showed a malrotation with a slight thickening at the end of my bowel. I also had some fat deposits in my liver and some probable benign cysts in my kidney. I had been scheduled for a routine colonoscopy three weeks from now. the only communication I have recieved is a call from my gastro's nurse to pick up a labI slip for labs and was givenprescriptions for flagyl and cipro in case this all is an infection. Since then, (2 weeks) I have had relentless nausea, I think from flagyl, lack of appetite, cramping and stool that comes out formed but breaks apart in toilet. Do these symptoms sound consistent wit an infection? Chrons was mentioned also. I have sjogrens syndrome as well so it could be autoimmune.
Carolinab603 - 15-May-16 @ 6:54 PM
I8urcookie - Your Question:
I too suffered many years of back and forth between doctors and scans and medicines etc. It is horrible to want and pray and beg for a correct diagnosis! Plus it's nice to have validation for all that you have been suffering through! Just wanted to throw this out there in case it might help! My crohn's went misdiagnosed for so long simply because most doctors do not run the scope into the illieum! My gyno performed a laproscope and just on the off chance went up a little farther and my illieum was dark red and three times normal size! Finally it was found! Check to make sure they look there during your scopes!

Our Response:
Many thanks for this information, I'm sure it will be useful to our readers.
TummyTrouble - 23-Feb-16 @ 3:00 PM
I too suffered many years of back and forth between doctors and scans and medicines etc. It is horrible to want and pray and beg for a correct diagnosis! Plus it's nice to have validation for all that you have been suffering through! Just wanted to throw this out there in case it might help! My crohn's went misdiagnosed for so long simply because most doctors do not run the scope into the illieum! My gyno performed a laproscope and just on the off chance went up a little farther and my illieum was dark red and three times normal size! Finally it was found! Check to make sure they look there during your scopes!
I8urcookie - 23-Feb-16 @ 4:48 AM
I recently had ct scan done because of constant pelvic pain. I feel tons of pressure and it feels like my ovarys will explode. My gyno said to see a gi specialist because ct scan showed my colon is thickened. And that could be causing my female pain. I don't see how because I use bathroom just fine no constipation no diarrhea no blood ever. No stomach cramps or stomach pain just extreme pain right on my ovarys. I'm getting very discouraged cause of all this.Plus still working 8hours a day on my feet and being in pain. I don't understand how your female parts can be affected by your colon
D - 17-Feb-16 @ 4:16 PM
I too have had problems for almost 3 years,been wrongly diagnosed with crohns disease,and now have a lump,thickening and inflammation,and a twisted bowel.awaiting a new diagnosis and treatment plan.worried sick
Sam - 11-Feb-16 @ 6:49 PM
i have colon wall thickness of about 3mm
devanand - 24-Jan-16 @ 3:05 AM
Jess - Your Question:
Hi I am new to the Internet world but I am reaching out bc I do not know anyone personally that is going through what I have been going through for the last nine years. I have been misdiagnosed THREE TIMES.First I was told I have Crone's disease then a year later was told I have ulcerative colitis then was to about another year later that I was told it's colitis with ulceration. So it's really been EXTREMELY frustrating with all the back n forth and not REALLY knowing for sure what is going on in my body. Anyway I went to the hospital yesterday because of the pain in my back hips n down my legs.although that is everyday pain for me the amount of blood that came from my bottom wasn't! I normally do have blood in my stool.This was A LOT of blood n was the third time in two days.I was worried!. I had a CT Scan done.I figured it would be normal bc I had myself convinced that it was probably just a bleeding ulcer.after the results were in the doctor said I had narrowing in my colon caused by either thickening of the colon walls due to chronic inflammation or in the opinion of the radiologist a TUMOR.So NOW I am SCARED!. Anyone have anything similar happen to them? Or does anyone have advice? I would be greatly appreciative!!

Our Response:
Obviously waiting for the results is the difficult part and can make a person anxious and afraid. However, I'm afraid we cannot give medical advice due to the fact it would be groundless without examination. Plus, other people on this forum may have the same or similar symptoms but a completely different diagnosis. Having the CT scan means once you have the correct diagnosis, you can begin to receive the specific treatment you need to help you back on the road to recovery.
TummyTrouble - 4-Jan-16 @ 12:11 PM
Hi I am new to the Internet world but I am reaching out bc I do not know anyone personally that is going through what I have been going through for the last nine years....I have been misdiagnosed THREE TIMES.....First I was told I have Crone's disease then a year later was told I have ulcerative colitis then was to about another year later that I was told it's colitis with ulceration.... So it's really been EXTREMELY frustrating with all the back n forth and not REALLY knowing for sure what is going on in my body. Anyway I went to the hospital yesterday because of the pain in my back hips n down my legs.....although that is everyday pain for me the amount of blood that came from my bottom wasn't! I normally do have blood in my stool....This was A LOT of blood n was the third time in two days...I was worried!..... I had a CT Scan done....I figured it would be normal bc I had myself convinced that it was probably just a bleeding ulcer.....after the results were in the doctor said I had narrowing in my colon caused by either thickening of the colon walls due to chronic inflammation or in the opinion of the radiologist a TUMOR....So NOW I am SCARED!... Anyone have anything similar happen to them? Or does anyone have advice? I would be greatly appreciative!!
Jess - 3-Jan-16 @ 3:30 PM
I e got divercerlitus and also got ticking of my bowel hoping to have it removed I dnt no wat it is until I see hom on 19th x
caz - 7-Oct-15 @ 10:54 AM
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